
Monetizing Your Website

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Website Monetization – What is it?

Website monetization simply means making your website make money for you. You achieve this by certain means which we will discuss below. If you have a website that generates a lot of traffic, it’s only fair (in business terms) to profit from it. Also, having a high volume traffic will mean that you have quality which will ensure your visitors will keep coming.

Making some money with your website is a simple thing that any website owner can do. The most popular method is to sign up for Google Adsense. But if you are a webmaster like me, you’ll realize that Google has some strict rules when it comes to using their services. But there is hope because there are other several alternatives to Adsense which also perform fairly well, if not better than Adsense.

How To Start

Today I’ll be showing you three ways you can monetize your website easily. That is not to say there are no other options out there. There are several options which we’ll discuss more in a later post. But for now let’s highlight these 3 methods I recommend.

Propeller Ads

Propeller Ads, in my opinion is the best Ads Network after Adsense. Mostly Adsense will require you to have a high volume traffic before you are accepted into the service (other factors come in play though). But with Propeller Ads, you are not limited to the number of traffic your site generates. You can apply even if you do not have a website, and that really comes in handy for non-website owners.

How it works

  1. Simply sign up for an account with them at
  2. Verify your email
  3. Login to your account
  4. Add your website and verify that it is yours
  5. Get your code and place on your website. Done.

They also provide a FAQs section where you can search and ask for questions if you have any. Integrating your code into your website is easy as well. If you have any question regarding how it works, let us hear it in the comments below and we’ll be glad to help.

This service is also a simple one to use. Even if you don’t have a website yet, you can join this service. All you do is shorten URLs, share them on your social media and earn some cash for it. It’s really that simple. They also provide other methods you can use for various platforms as well: Twitter, Blogspot, WordPress and others.

How it works

  1. Sign up for an account at
  2. Verify your email
  3. Login to your account and start shortening URLs
  4. Share your new short links on social media or other sites

They have tools to help you with sharing your links. If you have any question regarding this service, feel free to drop us a comment below.

Affiliate Programs

You have probably heard of affiliate marketing before. If not, it’s simply a way of earning income by helping companies promote their products and service. In return, they pay you a commission each income they make. Your only job was to share their products with others. Sounds awesome huh? And it is.

There are lots of affiliate marketing programs out there. The list is endless. Choosing the right market to promote their services is really essential. But once you decide on what you want to promote, then the next step is to actually start the promotion the products or services. Below are top 5 affiliate programs you can join today:

  1. Clickbank
  2. Amazon Associates
  3. ShareaSale
  4. eBay
  5. RevenueWire
  6. Codeng School

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