
The biggest lessons you can learn from the corporate world

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1. Be wise

Be wise as a serpent, yet as humble as a dove. Many people advise against making friends, but I would advise that you make them believe that you’re a friend. Being too cold and stoic in the office will make your colleagues withhold gossip, news, and politics from you that may be actionable. You can be friendly without being friends. Whatever your line is, find it and stick to it.

2. Never get comfortable

Be always prepared to walk out of the building with all your belongings at a moment’s notice. Work is a place where you should be as productive as possible; your family, spouse, hobbies, religion, proclivities, and creature comforts shouldn’t occupy the work space.

3. Your co-workers are not to be trusted with personal information

Whether your mom has cancer, wife divorced you, your kids are suspended from school, or your rent is due, cp-workers aren’t the people to share these vulnerable moments with for two reasons;
1. They don’t have the power to do anything about them, and
2. They are more likely to report this things up the chain of command to use against you should it ever become convenient as a manipulation tactic. This may oversimplify things for the truly empathic and supportive managers out there, but for the sake of generalities, let’s err on the side of caution.

4. Become a subject matter

Become a subject matter expert in at least one or more topics within your department. This makes you indispensable among your peers and management, because they don’t want to do job training for the whole staff or answering all their questions.
Volunteer to lead new products or services, and you’ll become more visible with leadership and ahead of the curve when those products/services become mandatory.

5. Be kind

Especially to the people who least deserve it. 9 times out of 10, they’re fighting prodigious personal battles, and the only place they can funnel their energy is at work. Be gentle, but don’t be a doormat either.
Bring your authentic self to work. Success doesn’t care how you show up; just that you show up. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!

6. Arrive early

Arriving early and doing nothing is viewed more favorably than staying late and working assiduously. It’s pretty unfair, but it’s only the first boot of real life to kick you in the face.

Design | UX | Software Consultant
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